I am Dzogaba

I can concepts, characters, graphics & animation

Abot me

I was born in Soviet Estonia.

Then, when my family was forced to move in 1973, I suddenly began to draw a lot and continued doing that at the State School of Fine Arts (1978-1982).

After graduating from the Institute of Cinematography, I returned to Estonia and, due to illness, continued my self-study at home. Starting from the late 80‘s, I held exhibitions and performances throughout Europe (Italy (1989-94), France (1993), Spain (1994).

After some events in 1994, I began artistic experiments combining different painting techniques, and arranging exhibitions in private galleries (Czech Republic (1994-1996), France (1995-2000), Italy (2001-2003), Panama (2004, 2005), Mexico (2013) - and then at art fairs (SPECTRUM, USA (2016), ART Bodensee (2019).

I have been based in Berlin since 2006, but continue to travel a lot. The result was a desire to work on the border between video, animation and painting (Michaela Helfrich Gallery, (“Nacht und Nebel” project, (2011), “Yobobo Welt” (2022); Art City People Gallery (“1/2 Zeitkuchen”, (2019); Beyond. Reality. Gallery (“KISS FILMIN’ MONSTeR”, “Guten Flug mit AirYobobo” (2023).

Lately I‘ve focused again on short hand-drawn stories/graphic novels and animation based on the experience of “dream therapy”, which you can find here.

Peter Dzogaba (PDF)


Peter Dzogaba